Leslie Anglesey , Ph.D.

School of Liberal Arts | Writing Studies Program
Office Location:
Dante Hall 315
Professional Overview
Leslie R. Anglesey (she/her) is an assistant professor in and Coordinator of the Writing Studies Program at Saint Mary’s College of California where she teaches courses on professional writing and rhetoric and composition. Her research interests focus on disability studies, accessible composition pedagogy, mentorship, accessible health communication, and rhetorics of health and medicine. She is the co-editor of two volumes on graduate teaching assistant training: Standing at the Threshold: Working through Liminality in Composition and Rhetoric TAships (Utah State UP, 2021) and Threshold Conscripts: Rhetoric and Composition TAships (2023, WAC Clearinghouse). Her work has appeared in College Composition and Communication, Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments, The Peer Review, and multiple edited collections. on rhetorics of health and medicine.
PhD: University of Nevada, Reno 2019
MA: California State University, Sacramento 2012
BA: California State University, Sacramento 2009